Enhancing Precision and Efficiency: LCM Labs latest addition to their Metallographic Preparation Suite


Enhancing Precision and Efficiency: LCM Labs latest addition to their Metallographic Preparation Suite

In an era where technological advancements shape the landscape of scientific research, laboratories are constantly seeking cutting-edge solutions to enhance their capabilities. The latest addition to Less Common Metals’ inorganic laboratory is the Labotom-5 by Struers, a metallographic cutting machine that promises to revolutionise the metallographic preparation process.

Metallography, the study of the microstructure of metals and alloys, plays a crucial role in materials science and quality control. LCM is committed to staying at the forefront of innovation and has recently installed the Labotom-5 to bolster its metallographic preparation suite.

The Labotom-5 boasts a host of features that make it a standout choice for modern laboratories. Its advanced cutting technology ensures precision and consistency in sectioning samples, allowing LCM’s analytical chemists to obtain high-quality samples for analysis.

The Less Common Metals laboratory is an inorganic analytical laboratory equipped to test the elemental composition, microstructural and physical properties of inorganic materials. It primarily acts as the quality control (QC) department for the production of metal alloys but has the capability to perform commercial analysis.

If you require analytical services for your materials, we encourage you to reach out to us at laboratory@lesscommonmetals.com. LCM’s team of analytical chemists is dedicated to providing accurate and reliable analytical services for our clients working across multiple industries including aerospace, automotive, healthcare and green technology.