Contact LCM Labs
- +44 (0)151 356 3500
Less Common Metals Ltd
Unit 2 Hooton Park
North Road
Ellesmere Port
CH65 1BL, UK -
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday
8am – 4:30pm
Please access the Summary here
Key Contacts.

Daniel Cassim
Senior Analytical Chemist
Daniel has worked for LCM since 2021 and brings a wealth of experience in elemental analysis across various industries. He earned an MChem Chemistry from the University of Manchester in 2018, focussing on the study of lanthanides using complex analytical instrumentation. His expertise in analysis is vital to the quality control of company processes and products, with his main responsibilities that include the implementation, development, and improvement of analytical methods. This plays a vital role in maintain the world-class standards for LCM.

Ruth Miller
Environmental & Quality Manager
Ruth joined LCM in 2015 as an Environmental Coordinator to develop and maintain the environmental management system, which is accredited to the international environmental management standard, ISO14001. Ruth has worked in the environmental area for more than 20 years and is aware of the significant challenges this area presents to many businesses, therefore has extensive knowledge to help maintain and exceed industry standards.
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